Case Study
As Freche Freunde is extending their portfolio, we helped boosting the product launch of Baby Freche Freunde with the full power of Nano Influencers. Therefore 500 Nano Influencers (mainly first-time parents who have a baby who eats porridge & prefer to buy fruits jars for their babys) had the opportunity to be one of the first consumers to try the new products and increase awareness with offline communications, on social media posts and with ratings & reviews. For the ideal experience the influencers received a product box with 4 different flavors. Additionally the parents were educated and inspired with blogposts, newsletters & individual email support.
More than 440 thrustworthy ratings & reviews thanks to 500 Nano Influencers
Over 1.1 Mio. online impressions were generated and more than 71.000 people were impacted through personal recommendations. Beyond that over 440 ratings & reviews on taste and quality were published on 98% would recommend the Baby Freche Freunde Food Jars.

Nano Influencers
Online Impressions
Ratings & Reviews