Case Study

In France, we helped Naturactive to raise awareness of their food supplement that can help women to get through painful periods called “Règles douloureuses Bio”. The other objective was to generate communication on social medias by using the claim “Elected Product of the Year”.

4,203 influencer contents published on social medias

We activated 1,000 Nano women influencers who suffered from painful periods to educate them on the benefits of this organic and natural product. We also selected 12 Micro influencers whe were able to share their stories of painful periods to their community through a post and stories on Instagram.

During the campaign, the influencers were turned into brand ambassadors. They received different missions shared through blog articles and newlsetters on 

MelleJohanna.D: “Great product! I love it. I am thrilled to have discovered an alternative to medication. Taking care of yourself with natural products is really great! A tested and approved effectiveness. 10/10

The product was received with success thanks to its natural effectiveness: 83% of the ambassadors ensured they would buy the product and 93% would recommend it to their friends and family.

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Naturactive case study
Naturactive Case Study
Naturactive Case Study
Naturactive Regles Douloureuses

Online Reach

Total Impressions

Brand Referral

Product Rating