Case Study
Burgo de Arias Protein Plus

Product Innovation: Burgo de Arias Protein Plus

In 2022, Mantequerias Arias, the leading company in the fresh cheese market in Spain, decided to respond to new consumer needs and market trends by launching Burgo de Arias Protein Plus cheese. This product boasts 14% protein, the highest percentage in the market within this category, and also has an excellent taste. Additionally, it is made with 100% natural ingredients, is low in fat, and contains no preservatives or additives.

Strategic Alliance: Ambassador and Influence Agency

The company has five-time Olympic medalist and Masterchef winner, Saúl Craviotto, as its main ambassador. In April 2023, Territory Influence joined the team to generate awareness about this innovative product through authentic and credible UGC on Instagram and TikTok, as well as to increase brand penetration through real product trials.

Target and Strategy: Reaching the Right Audience

The target audience was active, sports-oriented consumers looking for products to help them gain muscle mass and recover after exercise, with a particular focus on low-fat, high-protein products. In this campaign, the brand aimed to focus on millennials and Gen Z who are food enthusiasts, athletes, and lead healthy lifestyles. To reach this audience, they selected 100 unpaid nano and micro influencers from our community, who on average were 34 years old, were fresh cheese consumers, and shared content related to food and sports on their social networks.

Impactful Results: Product Reach and Acceptance

Each influencer received 6 packs of Burgo de Arias Protein Plus and was invited to showcase it as an ideal snack before exercising, as well as a perfect ingredient for cooking healthy, creative, and tasty dishes. The 144 UGCs published on Instagram and TikTok achieved over 1M organic impressions, nearly three times the initial goal, and generated over 8K interactions.

At the end of the campaign, participants were asked for their opinions on the product, mainly highlighting the taste and overall rating it 9/10. 98% of them said they would recommend Protein Plus to friends and family, 95% said they would purchase the product after the campaign, and 96% approved the USP “Burgo de Arias Protein Plus is a very versatile fresh cheese, made with 100% natural ingredients, without preservatives or additives, and with 14g of protein per 100g.”

Influencer Testimonial: Opinion on Burgo de Arias Protein Plus

“I found it to be a good, healthy, delicious product suitable for regular consumption by people looking for health, performance, or aesthetic benefits. It is also ideal for those who simply want to eat something healthy with real, not highly processed ingredients. As a trainer, I gave it to my clients and family to try, who saw me eating it as a replacement for my usual breakfast, and they thought something so simple could be a good post-workout food.” – micro influencer

Content Utilization: Enhancing Online Presence

Moreover, the brand received the rights to use all the content on its own social networks, allowing them to obtain authentic and real materials from consumers to boost their online presence. These contents have a greater impact compared to those created by brands, so it is vital for them to have these materials to drive their own social networks.


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Online impressions


Product rating


Brand referral


Purchase intention