Case Study

Early 2022, we teamed up with Collistar to increase the awareness and notoriety of their new lipstick Rossetto Puro among their target. We aimed to generate qualitative content on social media, valuable conversations between consumers both online and offline, and authentic reviews on the product website.

A perfect influencer mix to achieve the brand’s objectives

We selected and activated 700 women aged 31 on average in our platform, 20% of whom lived in or close to Milan. All used lipstick more than one per week (70% even used it every day) and purchased beauty products in perfumeries.

Within the group were 44% micro and 56% nano influencers, which enabled us to reach the objectives more efficiently, as every influencer type offers diverse benefits.

A digital event as a great idea to boost the visibility of a product launch

We organized a digital event on the 11/01 to celebrate the launch of the renewed Collistar Rossetto Puro and its iconic color 111RossoMilano. We used specific call to actions to guide the participants in the creation of a special online content for the event. We also focused on the Virtual Try On to push sales and spread the voice on the active promotion.

So, our team encouraged the participants to try the product, share their experience on social media and write authentic reviews on the product page. They wrote 616 rating & reviews and they posted 1,520 contents achieving +18.3M impressions. Their followers were highly engaged, which became evident with the +301K interactions they had on Instagram. Offline, they shared their opinion as well and achieved +160K personal recommendations among friends and family.

Finally, to increase sales, we activated an exclusive promo code for the ambassadors to purchase Rossetto Puro rechargers with 25% discount.

The ambassadors were convinced by the product at the end of the campaign: 98% said they would recommend it, they rated it 9.4/10 and 84% ensured they would keep using and buying the product after the project.

 “I am a make-up artist and I have tried lot of lipsticks in my life, but never one like this! Starting with the pure red colour and the excellent pigmentation. Then, super moisturising, long-lasting and the comfort on the lips is fantastic.” Zoriana, ambassador


Scroll down to discover the key campaign’s KPIs.

Rating & Reviews

online impressions

influencer contents


Brand referral