Case Study
TERRITORY x Cetaphil
In Germany we have been working regularly with Cetaphil since 2018, implementing nano and macro influencer campaigns. Just last year, we implemented a nano influencer campaign for the products “Cleansing Foam” and “Moisturizing Lotion“. The primary aim of this campaign was to attract new customers. As part of this, we also needed to educate people about the correct application and benefits, generate ratings & reviews and increase online and offline reach.
Cetaphil is a skincare brand that is part of Galderma Labaratories. The brand is known for its mild, non-irritating skincare products that are suitable for different skin types, especially sensitive skin. The products are available worldwide and can be purchased in pharmacies and perfumeries.
500 Nanos with sensitive skin try out the products
To achieve the goals of this campaign, we selected 500 nano influencers from over 8,000 applications. During the selection process, we made sure that all participants had sensitive skin types, such as dry skin, neurodermatitis, rosacea or oily skin. They should not have tried any Cetaphil products before and it was important that they regularly shop at pharmacies and perfumeries.
After the Nanos received the products and had time to try them out, we supported them in implementing their tasks. With individual mailings, social media posts and blog posts on the microsite, we motivated them to write reviews on or to post on social media.
5,000 people got in touch with the products
At the end of the campaign, we conducted a survey that allowed us to gather important insights for the brand. This included, for example, the impression of the products, whether the nanos would buy the product after the campaign or whether they would recommend it to their friends.
The campaign results show that we generated an amazing online (+783k brand impressions) and offline (+81k) reach! The Nanos also managed to get over 5,000 more people in touch with the products.
If you want to know more about what happened behind the scenes of this campaign, check out our webinar (in German)!
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