Case Study
schogetten “Bowls” Edition
For to the new Schogetten Limited Edition “Bowls”, the goal was to draw attention with Instagram posts and stories. For this occasion, 5 macro influencers created an individual sweet breakfast bowl to match one of the Schogetten Bowls variety.
High-quality visual language and perfect storytelling generates 420k views.
The influencers included their Schogetten Bowls creations in their Instagram feed through high-quality imagery and successful storytelling. In addition, the followers were motivated to buy the Schogetten directly via a swipe-up link to the online store. In the posts, the products were perfectly staged and the Schogetten Bowl creation was tastily presented. Many positive comments and feedbacks show that the products were very well received by the communities. Especially nice was the aesthetic imagery and the excellent look&feel of the posts.
Overall, we were able to generate high visibility for the Schogetten Bowls with over 420k views on Instagram across all content pieces of the campaign (Instagram post and Instagram story plus blog post). On average, a story had around 6k viewers.The 384 clicks show the followers’ interest in buying the products online. The feedback in the comments of the posts also show that many followers have decided to buy the Schogetten directly in their supermarket. The 713 saved posts are also encouraging, representing a high level of interest in the recipe creations on the part of the communities. Also the engagement rate of 5,6% shows a successful placement of the products. As on-top content, one of the influencers also published a blog post on her blog.