by Pascale VIGENER | Apr 23, 2021
MACRO INFLUENCERS Case StudyPRINGLES In March 2021 in Poland, we activated 7 Macro Influencers on Twitch to present their way of spending free time with Pringles. Streamers organized 4 live streaming events, hosting each other on and playing various types of games,...
by Natasha DUIC | Apr 8, 2021
NANO INFLUENCERS Case StudyCEREAL BRAND In Autumn 2020, a well known international cereal brand launched a new product range: dry fruit granola and cocoa & hazel granola. In order to raise awareness and educate consumers about these new products, we recruited...
by Pascale VIGENER | Mar 8, 2021
MACRO & STAR INFLUENCERS Case StudyCAFé royal honduras In the summer of 2020, Café Royal launched the HONDURAS line of coffee beans with a strong focus on the brand’s commitment in Central America to sustainably improve the quality of life and working...
by Pascale VIGENER | Jan 13, 2021
MACRO INFLUENCER ACTIVATION Case Study LAVAZZA ICED COFFEE In an urban setting, six German macro influencers presented the newly launched Lavazza Iced Coffees and its flavors „Double Espresso & Milk” and „Cappuccino”. With an Instagram post &...
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