by Justine Lailler | Jul 13, 2022
MACRO & STAR INFLUENCER ACTIVATION Case StudyL’OR BARISTA In France, we helped L’OR Barista to achieve its objectives: awareness and online visibility for the brand and its products and consumer education about capsules specificities and advices for...
by Natasha DUIC | Jul 12, 2022
NANO INFLUENCERS Case Study CORNY BARS In Spring 2021, we helped Hero to promote its range of Corny Bars in Spain. They were looking to increase their awareness and impact on potential consumers within their target audience to encourage them to try the product. They...
by Natasha DUIC | Jul 11, 2022
NANO INFLUENCERS Case Study PESTO MUTTI We activated 3.000 consumers in Italy to help Mutti increase awareness and reputation of their range of Pesto products: Verde, Rosso and Arancione. The project included product education and the generation of product trials and...
by Pascale VIGENER | Jun 20, 2022
NANO INFLUENCER ACTIVATION Case StudyEISMANN In 2022 we activated 3,000 Nano Influencers who shared their experiences and enthusiasm about eismann and spread the word online and offline.The group of influencers consisted of 83 % women and 17 % men with an age range...
by Pamela KESNER | Jun 17, 2022
NANO & MICRO INFLUENCER ACTIVATION Case StudyRio MARE Micro Influencers as ambassadors of Italian delicacies from Rio Mare The unique taste of tuna, combined with aromatic vegetables and tasty cereals, is what is hidden in Rio Mare’s Insalatissime...
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