Nano Influencers for NANA Courb-V

Nano Influencers for NANA Courb-V

NANO INFLUENCER ACTIVATION Case StudyNANA™ COURB-V NANA™ launched a new menstrual pad with a special fitting technology: Courb-V. It comes to replace the existing Ultra lines range and is specially designed to fit all body shapes. With this campaign, we helped to...
Nano influencers for Tena by Essity

Nano influencers for Tena by Essity

NANO INFLUENCER ACTIVATION Case Study TENA by essity In 2022, our French team helped TENA by ESSITY Group to raise awareness on its new lingerie and educate about the product benefits. Since 2019, TENA stands for feminism, discretion & modernity. In line with this...
Nano Influencers for NANA™ Intimewear

Nano Influencers for NANA™ Intimewear

NANO INFLUENCERS Case StudyNANA™ Intimewear In France, we helped the brand NANA™ (Essity group) with a Ratings & Reviews campaign to support the launch of their new menstrual underwear Intimewear. We selected and activated 250 nano influencers from our TRND...
Nano influencer campaign for NUR DIE

Nano influencer campaign for NUR DIE

NANO INFLUENCERS Case StudyNUR DIE We activated female nano influencers to raise awareness for the new period underwear by NUR DIE. The goal was to inform about the alternative menstrual product and to create online awareness through user generated content and...
Nano & Micro Influencers for Spontex Hand Protection

Nano & Micro Influencers for Spontex Hand Protection

NANO & MICRO INFLUENCERS Case StudyHAND PROTECTION SPONTEX Early 2022, Spontex, a household and cleaning products company, trusted us again in this case to help them spread the voice about the effectiveness of their hand protection products in Italy. The objective...